|  | | We were given some nice plywood so I designed some slot model reindeers. Here they are completed, waiting to be painted and fixed on a trolley
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|  | | I squeezed each reindeer onto an 8 x 4 sheet of ply. Well, almost - I had to cut one of the antlers out of a smaller piece.
I cut them out using this CNC router at Plymouth College of Art - many thanks to the Fab Lab!
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|  | | Previously, I made a 1/10 scale model, cutting out the reindeer from mount-board using the Fab Lab's laser cutter and making a trolley out of balsa wood and piano wire.
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|  | | Prior to that I made a plywood model. I slimmed down the mount-board ones.
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|  | | Reindeer with the train carriages converted into sleds
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|  | | Here's the sleds and Looe Pioneers' runners going through Looe
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|  | | Following the weekend's celebrations the reindeer were mounted on scaffolding on Looe's quayside
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